Optimizing Predictions For Thyroid Disease Sufferers Using Correlation Matrix And Random Forest With Hyperparameter Tuning
Random Forest, Machine Learning, Optimizing, Prediction, Thyroid DiseaseAbstract
Thyroid disease is one of the most common endocrine disorders, affecting the body's hormone function and balance. Symptoms can include changes in weight, fatigue, and temperature regulation issues. Although the causes are varied, thyroid disease can generally be treated with medications or medical interventions. The objective of this study is to present and optimize a predictive model for thyroid disease patients by measuring the comparison between correlation analysis of traits and the variables used, as well as evaluating the performance of the Random Forest method in optimizing predictions. One machine learning method that can be used to optimize the prediction of thyroid disease patients is Random Forest. The features used include age, gender, smoking history, radiotherapy history, and pathology characteristics, which are utilized to optimize predictions using this Random Forest algorithm. This study employs hyperparameter tuning, with the best parameters being (n_estimators) 100 and (max_depth) 30, which are then used to predict the occurrence of thyroid disease with an accuracy of 95%.
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